Reference cases

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In focus

  • Data analysis & business management

Implementation of SSG security training, Tekniska Verken in Kiruna

On behalf of Tekniska Verken in Kiruna, Sigholm is leading the implementation of SSG safety training for employees and contractors on the site.

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  • Strategic positioning

Strategic energy balance analysis supports Stegra's investment decisions in northern Sweden

Sigholm conducted an in-depth analysis of the dynamic situation of electricity energy supply and market development in northern Sweden by mapping and assessing the maturity of major planned industrial...

  • Operation & maintenance support

Revisionsledning på Högbytorp, Eon

Under flera års tid, år 2020-2022 och 2024, har Sigholm tagit sig an en roll i revisionsarbetet på Högbytorp. Uppdraget har omfattat hela årsrevisionscykeln, från planering och genomförande till erfar...

  • Market changes & energy strategy

Utvecklad modell för elnäts- och anslutningsavgifter, Ellevio

För att möta morgondagens utmaningar och möjligheter tog Ellevio hjälp av Sigholm för att utveckla en hållbar och konkurrenskraftig modell för samspelet mellan anslutnings- och abonnemangsintäkter på ...

  • Active case
  • Data analysis & business management

Implementation of SSG security training, Tekniska Verken in Kiruna

On behalf of Tekniska Verken in Kiruna, Sigholm is leading the implementation of SSG safety training for employees and contractors on the site....

  • Project design & environmental requirements

Climate-smart public transport, Trafikförvaltningen

Expanding public transport to enable cross-regional travel is a climate-smart initiative, and Sigholm is proud to contribute. As an environmental officer, we are involved in the expansion programme of...

  • Data analysis & business management

Digitalisation of maintenance work for proactive working methods and data-driven decision-making

Together with Tekniska Verken in Kiruna, we have worked on maintenance development by digitalising the organisation's maintenance work to enable it to work more proactively, more efficiently and get a...

  • Data analysis & business management
  • Process development

Change of management system for increased opportunities for quality work

At the beginning of 2024, Sigholm was commissioned to project manage the change of management system for Bodens Energi....

  • Construction projects & property development

Miljötillstånd och framgångsrik flytt av Ögren Gruppens livsmedelsproduktion

Ögren Gruppen stod inför en flytt av sin verksamhet och behövde söka nytt miljötillstånd för att kunna fortsätta sin livsmedelsproduktion på annan plats. Parallellt pågick projektering för den nya anl...

  • Active case
  • Construction projects & property development
  • Data analysis & business management

Cooperation for sustainable heating and cost efficiency, Mälarenergi

As fuel prices continue to rise, property owners have started seeking long-term and sustainable heating solutions....

  • Active case
  • Project design & environmental requirements

Projektledning för gemensam koldioxidnod i öst, Stockholms Hamnar

För att Sverige ska klara klimatmålen till 2045 krävs omfattande utsläppsminskningar. Avskiljning och lagring av koldioxid, CCS, är en av flera viktiga delar för att klara klimatmålen....

  • Project design & environmental requirements

Strategies and business models for sustainable mobility, Familjebostäder

Familjebostäder is a public housing company owned by the City of Stockholm. The owner directive sets out goals for the expansion of charging infrastructure, but it was a challenge to be able to implem...

  • Active case
  • Market changes & energy strategy

Development of services, Telge Nät

Telge Nät is working to develop its services in areas such as district heating, district cooling, electricity networks and flexibility services, a mission in which Sigholm is participating. Early in t...

  • Active case
  • Construction projects & property development

Uppdatering av internhyresmodell för enklare hantering, Lidingö Stad

På uppdrag av Lidingö Stad utvecklar Sigholm en förenklad modell för internhyressättning för kommunens fastigheter som hyrs ut internt till andra förvaltningar....

  • Project design & environmental requirements

Vägledning för verksamheter kring miljötillstånd, Avfall Sverige

På uppdrag av branschorganisationen Avfall Sverige tog Sigholm fram en vägledning för verksamhetsutövaren med miljötillstånd inom energibranschen. Vägledningens syfte är att underlätta för verksamhete...

  • Market changes & energy strategy

System change to future-proof Lysekil

In response to the global energy crisis, Lysekil Municipality wanted to proactively prepare for future challenges. By enlisting the help of Sigholm for a time-limited effort, the municipality raised a...

  • Construction projects & property development

Project and construction manager for Fredriksberg preschool, Hemsö

In collaboration with Hemsö, we as project and construction managers have had the honor of being part of the creation of Fredriksberg preschool - an innovative children's paradise in Västerås....

  • Market changes & energy strategy

Environmental Analysis for the Development of the Energy Market, Telge AB

The accelerated transition of the energy system demands new capabilities and strategic shifts from actors in the energy sector. The assignment involved developing an environmental analysis of trends a...

  • Active case
  • Construction projects & property development

New boiler plant at the VME heating plant

Main project manager for VME's new boiler plant in Arboga, with final commissioning expected in Q4, 2024....

  • Construction projects & property development

Mapping of the urban planning process, Strängnäs municipality

Sigholm is running a project to map the urban planning process for Strängnäs municipality. It is a complex process that includes many different municipal departments, competences, functions and roles....

  • Active case
  • Project design & environmental requirements

Projektledning för bioCCS-anläggning, Söderenergi

Söderenergi arbetar sedan 2020 med att bygga en bioCCS-anläggning på Igelstaverket i Södertälje. Sigholm leder projektet hos Söderenergi i rollen som huvudprojektledare och deltar även som delprojektl...

  • Market changes & energy strategy

Strategy and management in a changing energy market

Linde Energi anlitar återkommande en av Sigholms energistrategiska konsulter Arne Bergvik för att hålla i strategiska workshops, styrelseutbildningar och marknadsgenomgångar med företagskunder. Genom ...

  • Project design & environmental requirements

Feasibility study of BECCS and logistics concept

Gävle Energi in collaboration with the Port of Gävle is taking a big step forward in contributing to climate goals and a better world. After receiving a financial grant from the Swedish Energy Agency ...

  • Active case
  • Data analysis & business management
  • Production optimisation

Next generation system optimisation, Stockholm Exergi

The goal is to optimise not only heating, electricity and cooling production, but to link it to other parts of the energy system, such as ancillary services, power balancing, bio-CCS and fuel planning...

  • Active case
  • Process development

Outage management for increased electrical safety

Working with electricity networks means managing different types of risks to avoid accidents and incidents. When malfunctions occur, the goal is to return electricity to customers as quickly as possib...

  • Project design & environmental requirements

Bio-CCS near the harbour in Northern Sweden, Umeå Energi

During the period 2022-2023, Umeå Energi carried out a pilot study on Bio-CCS with support from the Swedish Energy Agency. The aim of the project was to investigate the possibility of capturing and tr...

  • Active case
  • Construction projects & property development

Project manager and project manager, Bostads AB Mimer.

On Öster Mälarstrand in Västerås there is a plan to build 1,500 apartments where Bostads AB Mimer will build 300 under its own management and a two-level car park for about 400 cars....

  • Active case
  • Project design & environmental requirements

Project manager for bio-fuelled steam boiler, Göteborg Energi

Göteborg Energi is planning to build a new biofueled steam boiler, approx. 177 MWt, in connection with the existing Rya CHP plant, located in Energihamnen in Gothenburg's inlet. The investment is part...

  • Construction projects & property development

More efficient resource utilisation for increased sustainability, Strängnäs municipality

Strängnäs kommunföretag AB is expanding and new areas are gradually being added, which led to an increased need for management of external environments. Responsibility for these environments was share...

  • Project design & environmental requirements

Project coordination for the Innovation Fund application

The application process is extensive and requires detailed customisation according to the call text. On behalf of a client, Sigholm has carried out an assignment to coordinate and produce parts of the...

  • Construction projects & property development

Procurement of a management contract for a housing association

A housing association in Västerhaninge chose Sigholm to lead the procurement of a new management contract. Through an unconventional approach and Sigholm's support, a partnership and agreement was rea...

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