Privacy Policy - GDPR

Privacy Policy

This page describes how Sigholm handles and stores the personal data recorded by the company.

1 Personal Data
Handling and processing of personal data at Sigholm comply with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Personal data is information that can be used to identify an individual. This may include data such as first and last names, contact information such as phone numbers and email addresses, IP addresses, religious or philosophical beliefs, or health information. Sigholm only collects personal data that is necessary for the intended purpose. We prioritize the personal privacy of our stakeholders and work to protect their personal data to the best of our ability. We also strive for transparency regarding the data we collect, and this document is part of that effort.

1.1 Processing of Personal Data
The personal data processed by Sigholm include:
• Name
• Phone number
• Address
• Email address
• Other information provided within the scope of the services received from Sigholm.
The personal data collected is necessary for us to fulfill our commitments to Sigholm's stakeholders. Not all personal data is collected for all stakeholders; it is the purpose that determines which personal data is collected.

We collect personal data when:
• Sigholm is hired to perform a service.
• A user registers to use Aurora by Sigholm.
• A user registers to subscribe to newsletters or other types of mailings.
• We have had contact that has led to potential future communication needs.
• We receive a job application.
• We have some form of communication through our website or social media.

1.2 Storage of Personal Data
Personal data is stored for the duration that the stakeholder uses Sigholm's services or applications and up to 12 months after the end of usage, unless the stakeholder expresses in writing a request for the removal of personal data. Last updated: 2022-04-07

1.3 Update of personal information
The personal information provided to Sigholm may be updated and supplemented. The person who has provided personal information to Sigholm has the right to have this personal information updated. This person should then communicate this in writing, and Sigholm will update its records.

1.4 Removal of personal information
If a stakeholder wishes for Sigholm to no longer store personal information, this must be communicated in writing to the company. Sigholm will then take appropriate measures to delete the personal information stored about the stakeholder. Please note that the deletion of personal information may affect the stakeholder's ability to use Sigholm's services and applications. Sigholm will communicate how the removal of personal information will affect the specific stakeholder upon the removal of the personal information.

1.5 Consent
By using Sigholm's services, the stakeholder accepts that their personal data is processed in accordance with this privacy policy. For Aurora by Sigholm, consent is also ensured by sending a confirmation email to users registering in the application. If the stakeholder does not revoke consent in writing, they are considered to consent to the processing of personal data.

1.6 Extract from the personal data register
According to GDPR, the stakeholder has the right to receive information about the stored personal data once per calendar year. This shall be done free of charge upon the stakeholder's written request. In addition to the processed personal data, Sigholm shall also specify the source of this data, the purpose of processing, and to whom the data has been disclosed. Please note that only the stakeholder themselves can request an extract from the personal data register.

1.7 Changes to the privacy policy
There are no predefined reasons for changes to the privacy policy. Sigholm has the right to make changes to the privacy policy as needed. The date at the top left of the page indicates when the privacy policy was last changed. In the case of major changes to the privacy policy, stakeholders will be notified appropriately.

Terms of use

We do not issue warranties or representations regarding the accuracy or completeness of the content on this website. This website and the material, information, services, and products on this website, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, and links, are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, freedom from computer viruses, and warranties arising from course of dealing or performance. We do not claim or guarantee that the functions on the website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this website or the server making the website available is free of viruses or other harmful components. We do not issue warranties or representations regarding the use of materials on this website with respect to completeness, accuracy, appropriateness, utility, timeliness, reliability, or otherwise.

Limitation of liability
To the extent permitted by applicable law, we are under no circumstances liable for direct, indirect, special, punitive, incidental, exemplary damages or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages, whether in an action under contract, negligence, or any other theory, arising out of or in connection with the use, inability to use, or performance of information, services, products, and materials available from this website. These limitations apply regardless of the inadequacy of the essential purpose of any limited remedy. Nothing herein shall limit our liability for personal injury caused by negligence.

Modification of the website and these terms of use
Genom att tillhandahålla material på webbplatsen, utlovar vi inte att materialet kommer att fortsätta att vara tillgängligt för dig. Vi har rätt att när som helst stänga ner hela eller delar av webbplatsen utan föregående meddelande till dig. Vi förbehåller oss också rätten att ändra regler, villkor och meddelanden enligt vilka denna webbplats erbjuds, och din användning av webbplatsen efter att sådana ändringar gjorts ska anses utgöra ditt medgivande till sådana modifierade användarvillkor. Du samtycker till att regelbundet granska dessa användarvillkor för att kontrollera om de har ändrats.

Allt material på denna webbsajt, inklusive men ej begränsat till programvara, filer, grafik, data eller något annat innehåll, ägs av Sigholm. Vi behåller fullständig äganderätt till materialet och alla tillhörande immateriella rättigheter. Du får inte distribuera eller sälja materialet, eller bakåtkompilera, disassemblera eller på annat sätt omvandla det till någon annan form.

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At Sigholm, we believe in developing skills in the long term to build the company together. Through shared reflections, we create a culture of continuous learning.

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By clicking send, you agree to Sigholm's handling of your personal data. Read our personal data policy