Our abilities

At Sigholm, we have identified several capabilities that are central to creating value for ourselves, our customers and the world around us.

We guide our customers from an often undefined current situation towards a concrete target image, which is why the following capabilities are particularly important to us. The abilities interact closely with our keywords and together they create a foundation to build on.


We use reflection to constantly learn and develop ourselves and the world around us. It enables us to manage and realize value from every situation we face, not only in the here and now but also in the future.


An important part of leading development where lack of communication is often identified as a cause of failed change. For us, it is fundamental that all Sigholmare are good communicators to engage and gather more good forces.

Activity planning

Internal emails are forbidden in our company. Having systems that communicate is a basic prerequisite for us. It contributes to an efficient workflow and collaboration within the company. We can allocate our time better and become faster, which means that nothing risks falling between the cracks.


In a context of continuous learning, education in a broad sense is important to provide a frame of reference and new perspectives.

Problem solving

Problem solving is a hallmark of Sigholm. Systematic methodology is combined with creativity and innovation to identify gaps and implement activities.

Theoretical basis

Customers can trust that our processes and deliverables are based on solid theory. We are well versed in scientifically proven knowledge in our respective fields.

Working at Sigholm

Meet Us Working at Sigholm

At Sigholm, we believe in developing skills in the long term to build the company together. Through shared reflections, we create a culture of continuous learning.

See staff members

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