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Secure future decisions with data-driven insights

Data-driven environmental analysis, combined with an understanding of key relationships in the energy market, is the foundation for making decisions in an increasingly fast-moving world. Therefore, at Sigholm, we have chosen to support our clients and other stakeholders with forecasts and analyses of the energy market.

Free analysis subscription

When something particularly interesting happens in the markets, we send out summaries and analysis to our subscribers. The subscription is free of charge and you can sign up at the link below to receive the analysis directly to your mailbox. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

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Monthly summary of energy markets

A thorough analysis of the environment and an understanding of key relationships in the energy markets is the basis for making good decisions in a fast-moving world. At Sigholm, we support our clients with energy market analysis. At the beginning of each month, we summarize energy market developments on behalf of our subscribing clients. They use the summary for their own use, in newsletters or in communication on their websites. It is a so-called white label product. The material has been developed in dialog with the customers and we also have a special chapter on producer strategies. The delivery is in a simple word document for easy handling. A subscription with unlimited recipients per company.

1 time/month | Exclusive subscription

Expression of interest

Long-term forecast

Europe's energy rollercoaster continues, so take a look at our long-term forecast to inform your strategic decisions. The long-term forecast quantifies what is permanent, what is transient and what defines the world we may eventually find ourselves in. The long-term forecast represents a thorough review of the global energy markets and their impact on Nordic power pricing. The simulation is based on several well-founded assumptions and is presented per Swedish electricity price area, including profile factors for solar and wind power and extends to 2050. The forecast is published three times a year: April, September and December and the delivery includes a review of the material together with one of our colleagues.

3 times/year | Exclusive subscription

Expression of interest

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Contact Information

Arne Bergvik

Energy strategist

Lukas Wärend Ewerlöf

Energy strategist

We have the ambition to make the world better together

At Sigholm, we believe in developing skills in the long term to build the company together. Through shared reflections, we create a culture of continuous learning.

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