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Västerås - Main office

B26, Port-anders gata 9
722 12 Västerås

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Dalagatan 7
111 23 Stockholm

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Sigholm Tech, c/o Entreprenörsgatan, St Eriksgatan 6, 411 05 Göteborg

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Storgatan 15
972 32 Luleå

Contact persons

Arne Bergvik

Energy Strategist
Contact person for questions on energy and analysis.

+46 70 383 28 59

Emelie Strandgren

CEO Sigholm Tech
Contact person for questions on strategy and organisation.

+46 70 290 93 55

Jennie Sträng

Marketing Manager
Contact for market, press and Energistrategipodden (Energy Strategy Podcast) enquiries.

+46 70 862 97 26

Isabell Stoor

CEO Sigholm Project
Contact for questions on property, construction and civil engineering.

+46 70 290 61 25

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We have the ambition to make the world better together

At Sigholm, we believe in developing skills in the long term to build the company together. Through shared reflections, we create a culture of continuous learning.

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Contact Us

Fill out the form, and we will get back to you, visit one of our offices, or call us at +46(0)21-12 03 10.

By clicking send, you agree to Sigholm's handling of your personal data. Read our personal data policy