Our expertise

We create innovations and partnership for a sustainable future

Markets & energy strategy

The complexity is increasing in the energy market, and the conditions are changing rapidly. With the aid of extensive experience in the energy sector and data-driven analyses, we quickly familiarize ourselves with your specific challenges and what is most valuable for you and your customers.

To Markets & energy strategy
Data analysis & change management

For us, successful change work is to find sustainable structures that promote learning and competence development together with client find structures that promote learning and competence development. Our broad experience in processes within energy companies allows us to quickly identify customers' challenges and work together to find solutions that create value for everyone.

To data analysis & change management
Energy investments & price models

We support energy companies from fuel procurement to the end customer’s invoice. We provide investigations and project management to help them make sustainable investments and create competitive pricing.

To Energy investments & price models
Production optimisation of cogeneration plants

The digital platform helps your business organize, analyze, and suggest how production facilities should be operated for optimal performance. This, while employees thrive and develop in symbiosis with the platform.

To Production optimisation
Innovation projects and climate change

We help clients in complex and innovative projects where a major challenge is that nothing similar has been done before. We can help from the first strategy meeting to commissioning.

To Innovation projects & climate change
Construction projects & property development

The foundation of our practice is solid theoretical knowledge, influenced by the Lean philosophy's perspective on value creation, productivity, and learning, combined with fact- and data-driven problem-solving.

For construction projects & property development

Human-Centered development

We strive to promote collaboration between people, technology, and business in societal and energy transition, where people play a central role in development. By starting from the human and its needs, we shape a design process with relevant technology that creates the best solution for the purpose. With the help of technology, the ability to make confident decisions in complex situations is created.

Human, Technology & Business

Insight into our projects

We have the ambition to make the world better together

At Sigholm, we believe in developing skills in the long term to build the company together. Through shared reflections, we create a culture of continuous learning.

Career at Sigholm

Latest news

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Sigholm i samarbete med Bixia för mer automatiserad elhandel

Samarbetet med Bixia är ett viktigt steg för digitaliseringen av energibranschen, där snabbare marknadsåtgärder och en djupare förståelse för kundernas behov står i fokus.

Jun 12, 2024 | News | News & press

Deltagande under Almedalsveckan 2024

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