Markets & energy strategy

Navigate through the rapidly changing complexity of the energy market

Sigholm offers business intelligence, risk advice, analyses and long-term forecasts of electricity prices as a basis for your decisions. To meet a changing market, we also help you review your competitiveness and position in the market. We offer lectures, workshops and case studies to help you make strategic choices.

Analysis subscription

When something particularly interesting happens in the markets, we send out free summaries and analyses to our subscribers.

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Long-term forecast

Europe's energy rollercoaster continues, so take a look at our long-term forecast to inform your strategic decisions. In the long-term outlook, we quantify what is permanently

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Monthly summary of energy markets

A thorough analysis of the environment and an understanding of important relationships in the energy markets is the basis for good decisions in a fast-moving world. We at Sigholm support our clients with energy market analyses.

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Power Purchase Agreements

Industries and producers are hedging more and more of their risks bilaterally and increasingly through Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). As the market grows, we help our clients calculate, value and structure PPAs and VPPAs across Europe.

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Regional community development

By providing insights into the energy system, analysing strategic opportunities and creating collaboration between different societal actors, we take active responsibility for guiding municipalities, energy companies, businesses and local communities through the different phases of change and development.

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Strategic positioning

Our in-depth knowledge of energy systems, digitalisation, portfolio strategies, market exposure and risk management helps you make fact-based decisions that embrace complexity and balance risks to ensure the right conditions for a sustainable business.

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Business development and innovation

Using interactive working models, we work with you to develop needs analyses and development paths to strengthen the competitiveness of energy system actors in a sustainable future.

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Talks, workshops and events

As experienced speakers, workshop facilitators, moderators and panellists, we offer not only a platform for engaging discussions but also an opportunity to shape and deepen strategies for future events.

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Interested in how we can help your organization?

Contact us and we'll tell you more


Arne Bergvik

Energy strategist

Lukas Wärend Ewerlöf

Energy strategist

We have the ambition to make the world better together

At Sigholm, we believe in developing skills in the long term to build the company together. Through shared reflections, we create a culture of continuous learning.

Career at Sigholm

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