Customer-centered growth and expertise sharing

In a dynamic and complex energy sector, constantly analysing and developing your strategic capabilities and methods is crucial for profitability and competitiveness. Our in-depth knowledge of energy systems, digitalisation, portfolio strategies, market exposure and risk management will help you make fact-based decisions that embrace complexity and balance risks to ensure the right conditions for a sustainable business.

Sigholm actively gathers knowledge and can keep you updated on the latest developments in the energy markets and how regulatory and political changes affect the industry. In the strategy formulation process, we analyse the trends based on your conditions and capabilities. Together, we interpret and anchor the conclusions in development plans for new and existing value streams. With the help of Sigholm, you can strengthen your strategic position and create the conditions to achieve sustainable growth in a rapidly changing environment.

We do this by:

  • Analyze and develop the customer's strategic capabilities and methods
  • Share knowledge about the energy system, portfolio strategies, market exposures, and risk management
  • Monitor and compile regulatory and political development issues
  • Coordinate projects and troubleshoot
  • Facilitate customer seminars, lectures, and workshops

Interested in how we can help your organization?

Contact us and we'll tell you more


Hanna Tengelin


Stephanie Regnér


We have the ambition to make the world better together

At Sigholm, we believe in developing skills in the long term to build the company together. Through shared reflections, we create a culture of continuous learning.

Career at Sigholm

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