Energistrategipodden live at Frihamnsdagarna 2023

On Friday 1 September, we will broadcast the first live podcast of the Energy Strategy Podcast during the Frihamnsdagarna in Gothenburg. During the recording, Niclas Sigholm will interview Per-Anders Gustafsson, CEO of Göteborg Energi for an in-depth interview about future energy solutions and sustainable initiatives.

Can't attend in person? Don't worry, it's a live podcast which allows for live listening in your podcast player or with audio and video on our website.

When? Friday 1 September, 11:00-11:40 am

Where? Greta tent, Bananpiren, Gothenburg, at https://www.sigholm.se or Energistrategipodden

About Frihamnsdagarna

For the third year in a row, people will gather in Gothenburg to take part in an event characterised by creativity, innovation and sustainability - Frihamnsdagarna. This annual party is a celebration of sustainable solutions and future opportunities and has become an inspiring platform for individuals, companies and organisations to explore and discuss a greener future.

Frihamnsdagarna transforms a neighbourhood in Gothenburg into a dynamic meeting place where different stakeholders share their visions, ideas and projects aimed at promoting sustainability. The event attracts committed and curious people to participate in seminars, workshops, exhibitions and presentations. Read more on the Frihamnsdagarna website: https://frihamnsdagarna.se/

  • #energistrategipodden
  • #esp
  • #frihamnsdagarna
  • #göteborg energi

The article was published 29/08 - 2023

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