New solutions to future-proof high peak loads

Extensive planning to ensure logistics 

The development of a brand new storage tank has required careful planning, coordination and, above all, effective communication. The project faced a variety of challenges, both large and small, and demonstrating our ability to focus on solutions has been of utmost importance. A significant challenge in the project was the extensive logistics planning for the foundation construction, which involved 145 concrete trucks to transport concrete from the cement station and pour an 860 m³ foundation. Another challenge arose during the insulation work when a leak was detected on the cistern, despite it having been previously inspected and approved by a third party body.

Solution focus to meet unforeseen challenges

Overcoming the logistical challenge required a smooth and effective dialogue with staff from the relevant departments, which included determining a suitable transport route through the work area in question. It also included the placement of traffic wardens and barriers, and the agreed plan was communicated to all Mälarenergi staff including all contractors.

To address the challenges with the cistern, a corrective action plan was developed with the supplier, allowing repairs to be made without affecting the schedule or commissioning. Mälarenergi and Sigholm, who was the project manager, were satisfied with the results and the fact that the schedule was kept, despite unexpected events. Sigholm's goal is to always stay on schedule despite unforeseen challenges. This is possible through a good project team and good communication

The project manager was also responsible for tasks such as:

  • Communication and coordination between different disciplines, steering committee and relevant departments
  • Preparation of tender documents according to LUF (Lagen om upphandling inom försörjningssektorerna) and contracting, together with the procurement officer, for the necessary procurements in the project
  • Development of training material for the plant and handover to operational staff.

The article was published 18/03 - 2020

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