Project manager and project manager, Bostads AB Mimer.

On Öster Mälarstrand in Västerås there is a plan to build 1,500 apartments where Bostads AB Mimer will build 300 under its own management and a two-level car park for about 400 cars. In this assignment, Sigholm has been entrusted with the role of project manager where Isabell Stoor leads the work in terms of, for example, coordination between Mimer's project and private actors, responsibility for the overall work with budget and scheduling and logistics. The project organisation is a collaboration in which our project manager Mustafa Aldoori has been commissioned to lead the design. The assignment volume is estimated at about 5,000 working hours. Read more at

Om Mimer

Bostads AB Mimer ägs till hundra procent av Västerås stad och har en styrelse som är politiskt sammansatt. Med över 11 600 hyreslägenheter i 31 områden utgör de en betydande aktör på Västerås bostadsmarknad, där ungefär var sjätte västeråsare bor hos dem.

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Isabell Stoor

Projektledare & Vd Sigholm Project

The article was published 08/09 - 2023

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