Impartial assessment of pricing model and service packaging, Stockholm Exergi

Every year, Stockholm Exergi carries out a price project, an exciting project that Sigholm has been asked to lead. In the assignment, we analysed the district heating price for the coming year and investigated whether the price level or price model needs to be corrected according to the current business plan and competing heating alternatives. The work included the standard price list, all options and packaging of services.

Support to drive the process around price models and service packaging

Sweden's largest district heating supplier has a solid competence and knowledgeable staff to price the district heating deliveries and develop new services requested by customers. However, they wanted external help to run the pricing project to determine price levels and have them decided in management groups and in the Price Dialogue. Similarly, they wanted a seamless bundling of a number of popular services that were sold separately, but which would now be sold in a service package to give customers more value for money.

Close monitoring and planning facilitated the decision-making process

With weekly follow-up and a clear division of activities, the project was able to progress well. Many parts of the Stockholm Exergi organisation were involved to take into account market, legal, communication and organisational aspects. When cross-functional departments and business areas collaborate on joint business, sometimes different wills can hamper progress, but with external and impartial help, both progress and results were better than expected. Thanks to close monitoring and careful planning, new competitive prices were agreed at all levels.

Both satisfied clients and customers

The result was delivered on time and everyone involved experienced Sigholm as a competent and driven partner who had an easy time forming an opinion of the situation and quickly gaining an understanding of the challenges and opportunities that exist in the local heating market in Stockholm.


The article was published 01/03 - 2022

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