Environmental Analysis for the Development of the Energy Market, Telge AB

  • Lästid: 2 minuter

Environmental analysis - a crucial piece in strategic work

Telge AB is a municipal group that, through its subsidiaries, manages the distribution of both electricity and heat to residents and businesses in Södertälje municipality. Like many other municipal energy groups, Telge AB is facing a number of strategic choices. To deepen its understanding of the changes taking place in the energy market, the group management turned to Sigholm's experts in market and strategy.

The assignment consisted of producing an environmental analysis of trends and scenarios for the development of the energy market, focusing on the driving forces that affect the CHP business. Sigholm also contributed with an analysis of the local energy system and shared its view on several of the challenges facing municipal energy groups today. The analyses were presented to the group management team at Telge AB and municipal politicians in Södertälje and have become an important piece of the puzzle in the group's continued strategy work.

Strategic shifts required as the energy market changes

The increased pace of change in the energy system requires new skills and strategic shifts among players in the energy sector. From the 1980s until recently, the energy market has been characterised by small market changes, stable prices and a primarily national market. Today, risk exposure and competition are increasing in the markets. Energy players therefore need to increase their understanding of the risks they take given different strategic choices.

Sigholm is noticing an increasing interest from various players who need support in their strategic work as many of the old truths in the energy market are now being re-evaluated. With continuous monitoring of movements in the energy market, changes in legislation and rapid technological development, Sigholm can deliver insights that contribute to more future-proof energy business solutions.

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Anna Nilsson


The article was published 27/02 - 2024

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