Energy prices, a roller coaster ride

The loss of gas and coal supplies from Russia and biomass from Belarus has increased both volume and price risks throughout the European energy system.

Alongside the energy crisis is a much more long-term crisis, the climate crisis. To address it, the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) was introduced in 2005 and, after many years of low prices, has been tightened as a result of a 17-fold increase in prices in the energy and industry sector in six years. Renewable, variable power sources such as solar and wind are the most cost-effective means of enhancing security of supply and reducing emissions. This not only opens the door to new players but changes the entire energy system for everyone. Electricity prices are becoming more volatile. It is also a contributing factor to the collapse of electricity futures trading, depriving us of what used to be the main instrument for risk management.

A change that requires new business and products

These are the main features of the change that producers, consumers and energy companies are undergoing, a change that requires new business and products. At Sigholm, we follow the development, quantify and summarise the necessary data and support our customers in both expanding their understanding of the world, identifying strategic crossroads and clarifying important decisions. Contact us to get more information about what we can do for you and your company.

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Arne Bergvik

Energy strategist

Lukas Wärend Ewerlöf

Energy strategist

The article was published 29/08 - 2023

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